Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Where has summer gone?

It never ceases to amaze me that the three months of summer go by so quickly.  I mean folks have always said that as the kids got older that time will fly, but I didn't really understand that axiom until this year.

Summer did indeed fly by, but it sure was a good one.  Between swimming, visitors, camping, a relaxing trip to the WA coast, backyard BBQ's and a whole host of friends over every day to play....its no wonder that the new school year has arrived. 

While I know that I have LOTS of summer updating to do, today I will focus on these two youngin's:

How can it be that Taylor is entering upper elementary school as a 4th grader and that Daniel is now a 7th grader?  Boy howdy, were they excited for school this year. 
Taylor, although she says she wasn't ready, promptly woke us up at 5:30am so that we didn't oversleep.  Within 1/2 hour she was ready to go and even had her bed made and room 'tidy', as she likes to say.  She was greeted on the playground by all of her closest friends, shining in their new school outfits and loaded down with backpacks and extra school supplies.

We chose a new fangled, old fashioned way of curling her hair before heading off to be the night before (ignore that disaster in the background):

Yep......socks (clean, of course).  Roll them into slightly damp hair, tie and, voila, beautiful soft curls!  Needless to day, she was beyond thrilled.

Daniel, ever the budding teen, who was equally or more so excited for school (mainly due to his great math teacher) played it cool with his messenger bag, tennis gear (he's the Jr High Girls Tennis Manager) and oboe.  Barely allowing us to stop the car to unload his bike in front of the school, he was off to the land of 7 different teachers, his own locker and independence. 

And so it goes....a new school I'm off to tidy up the house and fill in at work.  Can't wait for good conversation over chocolate cookies this afternoon.  Happy first day of school!