How does one define who they are to the world? Roles are varied, understanding limited, dreams change. I am complicated yet simple, assured yet questioning, strong yet weak. I am…
…a wife of 16+ years to Jason. I look at him each day and am still amazed that I am married to this wonderful man. Our marriage is not perfect, but it is intentional, grounded, respectful and lots of fun. Someone once even told us that we acted like teenagers in love…is that such a bad thing?
…A mom to Daniel (10) and Taylor (7). These two kids complete my family in all ways. We do everything together, yet respect that we each need room to grow and explore (most of the time!).
…A woman of faith. I believe that faith is to be lived each day, as an applicable, integrated part of one’s being, shared through our every day interaction with others. My faith journey does not allow me to linger on the mountain top, but instead allows me a short glimpse of God’s promised land in order to live my life serving others, building relationships and sharing the Good News of Christ’s birth, death and resurrection.
…A passionate writer and speaker. Expressing myself through words is a challenge and joy. I have written a lifestyle column for our local newspaper, the Choteau Acantha, and look forward to pursuing that dream as my children enter the school years. Speaking engagements keep me connected to the world outside my front door and allow me the conversations of faith and life that are the building blocks of one’s journey.
…An outdoors woman. If I could have been born in another era, it would have been during the times of the homesteaders. Self sufficientcy, simplicity and connecting with our natural world all fascinate me. I enjoy all outdoor pursuits including gardening, hiking, fishing, mowing the lawn and simply laying in the grass and searching for cloud shapes.
…An avid traveler and explorer. If I had to name my sixth sense, it would be my ability to memorize maps and natural landmarks. No road (paved or dirt) should go untraveled. In a perfect world, my family and I would be able to explore, experience and embrace new cultures each year for an extended period of time.
…a novice chef (especially using items from the bulk food bins), a scrapbooker (even though I rarely pursue this pleasure), a comsumate volunteer, a babysitter, a believer in buying local food, a friend and, I guess now I am a BLOGGER.