Tuesday, April 29, 2014

It Can't Be.........

Here it is, the eve of my first born child's 13th birthday.  How can it be?  How can time pass so quickly?  Every parent says it, but its true.  Just yesterday, I was anxiously awaiting his very late birth.  Each month we celebrated milestones, each year we watched as he grew in stature, strength and personality.  And now, we have arrived at that place that always seemed so far off.....the teenage years!

Daniel, there is so much to love about you that it's hard to narrow it down to a mere 13 statements, but here goes:

13.  You are funny.  And when you get to laughing, there is no stopping.
12.  Your feet continue to grow at such a rapid rate that the season of bare feet cant possibly come quick enough.
11.  Things roll off your back.  Nothing gets you down for long.
10.  Brains! Brains! Brains!  You are so smart and soak in information like a sponge.
9.  You care about God's creation and those that live in it. 
8.  No matter the circumstance, you are certain of who you are and that you are loved.  May this quality go with you throughout your life.
7.  Friendships are important to you--deep, faithful friendships.
6.  You are a great brother.  Not perfect, but caring and kind.  Especially when you come in each night and tell Taylor goodnight.
5.  You are respectful. 
4.  You love God and know that the Creator of All has a plan for your life beyond what anyone can imagine. 
3.  Your smile--although broken toothed right now--is absolutely unbeatable.
2.  Phone.  You were beyond cloud 9 when you received your first cellphone today.  Keep that excitement and joy close at heart as you grow.
1.  You are you and we love youand God loves you.  Always be true to the best you that you can be!