Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Double Digits

Everyone told me that the years would fly by quickly. While I took that bit of wisdom to heart, it was with a smile on my lips that I silently thought to myself, "Yep, they will go fast, but sometimes not nearly fast enough." 

Time, though, has flown by and now my precious little girl has grown up to be a beautiful young lady.  On May 24 she hit the double digit years.... a goodbye to the simple days of playing in the sandbox, learning to ride a bike and finger-painting.  Those days will be missed, but the future is bright and I am SO excited to see where God will lead her on this journey of life.

Taylor---here are ten things that make you special:

10.  You are a tomboy at heart.  "No fuss, no muss...take me as I am."

9.  You are all about comfort!  Yoga pants and 'fuzzy' pants are about all you'll wear.  The softer a blanket, the better to sleep with.  Style is fine, but comfort is better!

8.  You love to explore God's creation.  Hiking, biking and camping are some of your favorite things.  You love to discover the first star at night or a rainbow after a storm. 

7.  God has given you a heart for others.  You are empathetic to everyone and look for the good in each individual.

6.  Your smile is contagious!  Quick to show up and genuine, that smile will certainly take you places!

5.  Exercise is one of your favorite things and you love the fact that you can pull back you bow with ease, while the boys struggle.

4.  Singing is your favorite form of worship and you express yourself so wonderfully with words.  Poetry, especially, captures your attention giving you the eyes of one who sees the world in a special way.

3.  When you laugh, you crinkle up your nose. 

2.  You are a good friend who cherishes close relationships.

1.  You are the best snuggle bug in the world.