Saturday, April 23, 2011

Preparing for Jesus

One of the joys that I have found being a member of the  Lutheran Church is the genuine focus on Christ during Lent which then culminates in a variety of Holy Week happenings.  Palm Sunday brings joy and excitement as we "welcome" Christ into our midst shouting "Hosana, Hosana, Hosana in the Highest" and waving our palms.  The awe that we feel at the majesty of Christ's return to the Holy City of Jerusalem is then dimmed by the "double dipping" of Judas into the bowl with Jesus.  "Is it me?" is the theme for Maunday Thurday (meaning mandate) and it brings with it a holy awareness of Christ's work through Holy Communion.  It is also a night when we realize that Judas was not the only one to betray Jesus....for we do it almost every day.  The realization of the magnitude of Jesus' gift to us on the cross on Good Friday absolutely makes the JOY of Easter REAL.

In preparation for that joyous day of Christ's resurrection our family was busy cooking, cleaning, and primping!  Enjoy!
Look at that loot!

Dying Easter Eggs

Makin' sure those toes are shiny for Jesus

What a great Dad

Sunset on the Eve of the Resurrection

Filling for the Daniel's Lemon Pie

Muffins for Easter Breakfast at Church

Looking to the pine trees for a little green


Thursday, April 21, 2011


instead of spring, we could just be teased with another 2-4 inches of snow on Monday-Tuesday and another round Thursday-Friday.  Ughhhh!

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Few Glimpses of Spring

The spring season MIGHT finally be upon us here in north central Montana.  The signs of impending warmth are small, but they mean the world to us northerners!  Here are a few signs that things are lookin' up....despite the fact that we havent reached the 60 degree mark yet this year...
Bare root blueberry REALLY needing to get into the ground

A walk along the tracks behind our house

Genti sitting on her eggs

Enjoying our Light Brahma hen

Outdoor boots lined up in a row

Oh the sights of spring.  Someday we'll even be able to bare those winter white legs to the world...or NOT!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Glimpse of Hope

 “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”   Robert Brault

There is a certain time between seasons, both emotional and physical, when we must seek out the smallest signs of life in order to emerge on the other side with joy and thanksgiving. It is these small, hidden pockets of hope that encourage us to take one small step at a time as we face the uncertain future.

Often those small pockets of joy are well hidden behind grief, depression, anxiety or loneliness.  The dark clouds of the gray winter landscape pour a dreary pallor over the sleeping earth, just as our thoughts seem to send us into an even colder place inside our own lives.

Questions tumble forth from deep within.  Why me?  Why now?   When will it end?  Will things ever get better?  What will the future hold?  Our thoughts revolve around an incident, a conversation, an encounter that causes us to question and be questioned.  We wonder if this emotional winter will ever coax forth the promise of a hopeful spring.  And so, with faith we cling to the little things.

Yet, on this very day as I gaze at the dark horizon, I see among the heavy clouds an opening.  Within minutes this opening allows one single ray of sunshine to escape.  That ray, so powerful, so full of hope and promise, sets the mountain peak aglow with its radiance.  The snow sparkles, reflecting the strength of the shining sun; reflecting inside of me the hope for a better tomorrow.

As the sun continues to warm the earth, I look outside of my own walls and see other signs of hope and promise.  Tender crocus shoots are emerging from the frozen earth.  Robins have returned to their nests seeking refuge as they search for worms among the brown grass.  Soon they will lay those beautiful blue eggs, a promise of better things to come.

Questions continue to flow through my mind, but the answers look different.  Surrounded by these physical signs of hope, my own questions, once full of despair and longing, now bear witness to my place in creation.  I, too, have a purpose.  The season of looking within, is giving way to the season of looking out; out at the beauty and the gifts that I have been given. 

There will always be questions.  Understanding will never be mine for the taking.  But as each moment brings small glimpses of hope and promise, they will surely manifest themselves into something much, much larger.  
Published in the Choteau Acantha 4-6-11

Something About that Beat

There are moments in life that just cry to be lived out loud.  Really loud, as in crank up the radio til the car next door bounces sorta loud.  As a person who is not really a music fanatic, when I do find a song I really like I tend to wear out that particular CD in a short time.  For a while it was Jars of Clay "Little Drummer Boy."  At other times it is a particular Christian song that really gets me motivated in my faith life.  Right now it is Peter Gabriel's "Solsbury Hill".  Honestly, I'm not even sure about what the lyrics say, but the beat....oh, man, the beat just gets me ready for the day.  The blood starts pumpin' and I feel ready to tackle all things mundane!

Just last week Jason came home to find me dancing around the kitchen while planting my spring veggie seeds.  I'm sure the sight was one of a dirt laden lunatic flailing wildly in a stormy sea.  But those seeds got planted, and the laundry got done and I still had energy to cook up a half decent dinner.  Thanks, Peter! 

Girls Rule, Boys......ya know, Drool

Ok, all silliness aside ( boys don't always drool)....this shirt just said it all.  Had to purchase one for Taylor and her Aunt Lynn.  Go, fabulous girls, go!

A Tired, Future World Saver

Ok, aunt Lynn, show us your world saving shirt now!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Baby Chicks the Natural Way

It looks like in about 3 weeks our favorite White Silkie hen will hatch chicks!  We had hoped to try having chicks the "natural" way before we "got rid of" (read that as child friendly script) our rooster and it might just come true.  For now we are babying her along with food and water in her nest and praying for the best!

Taylor and Genti 2010