Wednesday, May 30, 2012

An Eight Year Old Cutie

It's hard to believe that this little girl

turned 8 years old last week.  It seems like just yesterday that she was born.  The morning of her birthday we decided to host a birthday breakfast for all of the family.  Everyone pitched right in to make T's favorites:  pancakes, bacon and fruit (with a side of eggs, which she can't eat).  Aunt Lynn had flown in just a few days prior and gifted her this very cool, personalized sword from Pakistan. 

Yep, she is still at the top of the list for Coolest Aunt on Earth. 

Daniel got creative and made his sister this nifty candy bar poster.  At one time Taylor wanted to marry her brother, so its good to see that several years later they still love each other!

Taylor also lucked out with money, flip flops, a dress, a Slip-n-Slide, and a big bucket of hair barrettes. 

A few nights later we hosted her first big sleepover.  Three of her classmates joined us for T's favorite dinner: manicotti.  Then the girls put on makeup to look like different animals for a play that they made up and acted out.

Of course, no party is complete without a cake.  Taylor decided months ago that she wanted to decorate her own cake.  Here she is about to blow out the candle.

A bit later the girls watched "Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked" in her bed and ate popcorn. 

That was followed by some more present opening (it seemed that the givers were just as excited as the receiver!)

About 10pm we tried our best to call it lights out but....

those bags remained empty for quite a bit longer!  I tried to outlast them, but at 11:30pm I called it quits and hit the sack.  But never fear, those energetic girls were up at 6:30am ready for more fun.  They spent the morning crafting, then pitched right in and played restaurant while we all cooked breakfast and set the table.

After the girls left, I collapsed in a heap on the couch and reminisced about the past eight years.  Overall, I couldn't ask for a  better daughter.  Taylor is full of life, sweet, compassionate, curious and lots of fun!  What a lucky mom I am! 

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