Friday, January 11, 2013

Post Holiday Season Post

There is a blizzard outside today.  Actually for 2 days and maybe into number 3.  The numbers are racking up:  8-9 inches of snow, 5 degrees, 30+ mph wind, 2 kids bundled up and off to school, and 1 great husband who shoveled the drifts and packed down the driveway so I could get out.  All in all its the perfect time to blog about Christmas!

We are big Advent people around here.  Lutherans in general really like the buildup of the Advent season and then pour on the emotion on Christmas Eve as we sing "Silent Night" by candlelight.  Our family Advent preparations include a daily devotion, lighting an Advent wreath (at least every Sunday), reading Christmas books regularly, baking goodies for our friends and neighbors, cutting down a tree from the forest, and the list could go on and on.  With the kids active in school and other organizations, Christmas is also the season for parties, concerts and Christmas plays.

This year our primary baking included:
Magic Bars

Ritz Mint Cookies

Santa Cookies

Of course decorating the tree is an important occasion.  Jason and I hang the lights while the kids sort through the ornaments.  At this point, most of them are homemade or hold some special memory.  On certain years, we have a second cowboy tree.

Taylor ready for the school play

Daniel all spiffed up and ready for the play

6th Grade Band- Daniel oboe

It's amazing how far they come in a few months!

Taylor was in the chorus during the play.  She had lots of fun fiddling with her bow on the dress that Grandma made.

Daniel and Delaynie dance during the play

Searching for Mom and Dad.  Those lights are bright!

How they grow!

Taylor's favorite gift- bear hat.

Daniel's fav gift:  drafting set       

Yep, Christmas is over and New Year's Eve was spent dancing to the entertainment at Times Square (on tv.)  Overall it was a relaxing break and good family time.  We are thankful to move into a new year with health, love and plenty of energy.  Happy New Year! 

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