Monday, May 23, 2011

Life in the Fast Lane

I remember a few years back when I said out loud to myself, “I’d have loved to be a homesteader.”  With romantic visions of quiet evenings by the fire and livin’ off the land simplicity, I now realize that homesteaders were incredibly hardworking, brave and probably just a bit crazy to move to new territory and make a home. 

Here I am living in rural Montana on about 2 ½ acres in a modern home with modern amenities and modern engine capabilities and let me tell you, spring is the season to WORK.  As if running kids to ball practice and keeping up with homework wasn’t enough, this is the time to be planting the garden, pulling the weeds and, yes, I brought this on myself, raising chirping little chickens.
That's us overlooking our small town

For some reason, this spring seems a little on the out of control side.  Daniel, now 10, is a huge help around the house and becoming quite the responsible young man and Taylor, who turns 7 tomorrow, still thinks most “chores” are fun….but no matter how I plan…the days are just plain busy from dawn to dusk. 

A few things that keep us busy (with more pointed posts to come!)
Piano Recitals (that's Taylor over the adults left shoulder)

Track Meet- check out the mountains in the background


Garden (notice the protective milk jugs for cold nights)

Big Chickens (6)

Little Chickens (28)

Keeping chicks safe with the kids

Protecting Raspberries and strawberries from deer           

 Yep its that busy time of year!  but boy is it all worth it!

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