Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sunshine and Homemade Fun

It has been unusually rainy this past week.  Actually, the ground is completely waterlogged and is causing the mountain snow to cascade out of the hills and into the plains.  Flooding is rampant (thankfully not in our area) and we're schedule for at least one more day of a steady drizzle. 

But yesterday afternoon the sun came out and so did the kids!  Springtime in the country is magical...

Lovin' on those new chicks

Digging for worms to feed the chickens

Yep, that's a chick on a scooter

My boy at 10

My 7 year old!

A little late afternoon nap in the sun...we really appreciate warm temps this year!

That's all folks!  Now its clouding up again....rain, rain, go away...

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